
  1. It is FAU’s desire to maintain an attitude of openness with the press. 
    1. 所有部门和领域的人员都应自由地回答媒体就其部门或专门知识领域提出的问题. If they are concerned about speaking with the media or with formulating a response, they should contact Media Relations for assistance.
    2. 新闻界对员工所代表的领域以外的领域或大学的一般问题提出的问题应提交给媒体关系.
    3. 为了避免混淆或重复工作,并协助大学与新闻界建立牢固的关系, 我们要求员工将与媒体代表的接触或采访通知媒体关系部. 

  2. 向媒体发布信息的适当程序是通过媒体关系, the official source of information for media representatives. (注:与公共信息请求相关的信息发布详见本政策第G条). 
    1. 除非有特别安排,所有新闻稿均由媒体关系部发布.
    2. 大学体育项目和运动员信息的发布是体育信息主任的职责.

  3. 媒体关系部对潜在报道的新闻价值做出最终决定,并协助其他部门讨论如何使报道对媒体更具吸引力,从而获得最大的新闻报道量.

  4. When a formal request for information is made of the University by the press, Media Relations will contact members of the University to respond to that request. 

  5. Upon receiving an interview request from the media, 媒体关系部将与所涉及的特定学院或单位的通讯官员联系, or, in the case of a unit that does not have a communications contact, selected faculty or staff members. It is strongly encouraged that faculty and staff agree to be interviewed, 因为他们有专业知识,为新闻界提供有价值的信息,同时提高FAU在新闻媒体中的形象. 

  6. If a member of the media is observed on campus, Media Relations should be contacted to allow staff to assist the individual.

  7. FAU, as a public university, 是否有责任公开回应公众和新闻界的资讯要求. The University is committed to a policy of openness, honesty and cooperation. FAU adheres to state regulations on public records, which define the parameters of legal access to information by the media and others.
    1. If a public information request by the press is received, 尽快与公共事务部联系,以便开始及时答复该请求的程序. 
    2. 公共事务部将与总法律顾问办公室合作,确保在回应所有KU体育请求时遵守州法规. 

  8. 官方的大学社交媒体网站可能会被开发出来,以提供具体单位的项目和活动的详细和个性化的信息,并促进感兴趣的各方之间的互动. For more information, refer to the social media policy and best practices document. 
    1. No confidential or proprietary information about the University or its students, faculty, staff or alumni shall be posted on a social media site. 分享机密信息的员工将面临纪律处分或解雇的风险.
    2. All applicable laws, regulations and University policies must be strictly adhered to, including without limitation, those pertaining to copyright and intellectual property rights, employee or student conduct, use of University resources, information and data, student privacy, and NCAA rules and regulations.
    3. 以下免责声明应添加到所有大学网站:“请注意,共享或发布的内容可能受佛罗里达州公共记录法的约束.”
    4. A permanent link to the official University website ( must be included on all University sites.
    5. No single unit’s social media site represents the University as a whole. 在命名页面和帐户以及选择个人资料图片或图标时考虑到这一点,它清楚地指定了所代表的大学单位.
    6. 拥有一个或多个社交媒体页面的大学单位或想要创建一个社交媒体页面的大学单位应该联系公共事务部或分配给该部门或学院的通信官员.
    7. Social media websites on behalf of University units should be kept up to date. Sites that are not kept current may be de-activated.
    8. The University name, 不得在个人社交媒体页面或网站上使用徽标或商标,也不得为产品背书或支持某项事业, political or otherwise. 

  9. When approached by a representative from the press, the following guidelines apply:
    1. If the issue relates to one’s own area of expertise, one should feel free to respond. Responses to media inquiries should occur in a timely fashion. 最好的做法是询问记者截稿日期,并努力在截稿日期之前做出回应. As a courtesy and to ensure successful communications, 回应者或相关部门主管应将谈话内容通知媒体关系部门.
    2. If questions are raised regarding issues about which one is not informed, it is acceptable to state, “I don’t know, but someone will get back to you regarding that issue,” then contact Media Relations to route the reporter to the most knowledgeable source.
    3. 对于敏感性质的问题,最好是同公共事务部合作编写一份声明. Contact Public Affairs to discuss options in situations of this kind.
    4. When contacted by a reporter, one should be aware that:
      i. Anything said can be quoted
      ii. When called by telephone unexpectedly, one can ask for time to prepare a response. 
      iii. If asked in advance for an interview, 一个人应该问清楚他/她应该回答什么问题,或者应该讨论什么话题. 

  1. When a person or department desires to release information to the media, 适当的程序是通过适当的通讯干事或公共事务司这样做. Note, there are various tools that may be used to communicate to the press. Examples of these tools include a press release, media advisory, calendar release or post event release. 宣传活动的计划应包括至少提前三周与公共事务部联系. 公共事务部强烈鼓励所有教职员工与他们的通讯官员或媒体关系联系,提出可以与新闻界分享的可能故事的想法. 
  2. The Division of Public Affairs should take the lead role in arranging news conferences, including making the decision as to whether a news conference is warranted. 这将有助于确保与新闻界取得联系,新闻发布会的时间和地点将鼓励尽可能最好的新闻报道.
  3. In a crisis situation, contact your supervisor and Public Affairs. If media interest is anticipated, the administrator, in turn, will notify the associate vice president for public affairs or his/her representative. 
    1. All official statements, 与紧急情况有关的公告或采访将通过媒体关系进行协调. A person will be designated as the spokesperson for media inquiries. Other efforts will be coordinated as the crisis communications plan directs.
  4. 公共事务司可协助编写给编辑的信件或专栏文章, if such assistance is desired. 
  5. 媒体关系部创建了一个专家数据库,作为媒体和广大社区按姓名或学科领域搜索FAU专家的来源. To view the Experts Database, visit